Payment methods
Unless a different means is indicated for specific cases or offers, the products and services reported on this site can only be paid through:
- Visa, Mastercard, Dinners Club International or American Express bank credit cards, issued in Chile or abroad, as long as they maintain current contact for this purpose with Ewine SpA.
- Bank debit cards included in the Redcompra system, issued in Chile by national banks, which maintain a current contract for such purposes with Ewine SpA
- Wire transfer. If you select this payment method, Ewine SpA will generate a payment coupon that will contain an identification number of your purchase order, the transfer information and the email where you can send the receipt.
- Khipu, you can use to make bank transfers
Payment with debit cards will be made through WebPay or Mercado Pago, which is an electronic payment system that is responsible for making the automatic charge to the user's bank account.
Users declare that they understand that these means of payment or payment portals belong to third-party companies that provide these services, independent and not linked to Ewine SpA, so the continuity of their provision of services over time, as well as the correct functioning of its online payment tools and buttons, will be the exclusive responsibility of the companies providing these services and in no case of Ewine SpA.